
更新时间:2020-09-29 来源:经典绕口令 点击:


  After watching the film Becoming Jane played by Anne Hathaway and reading the book Sense and Sensibility , I feel complicated because it seems that all in Jane’s life, she made a decision between sense and sensibility. The book could be regarded as her real story or someone else’s. Who knows? Love and sense are enemies at any age.

     There was an important person in her career, the authoress Mrs Radeliffe whose novels were filled with romance, danger and terror, anything her life was not.      At that time, a woman’s dream of being an authoress was not so easy to come true. As if the writing a woman did not display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour. And people thought having a wife with a literary reputation was nothing short of scandalous. But with an independent thought, she made it!      In her love world, there were two men. One was Tom Lefroy, a handsome, social guy but totally depending on his uncle. Another was Wisley, a booby having a respectable property of 2000a year, in addition to even greater expectations as Lady Gresham’s heir. So Tom standed for love or sensibility and Wisley standed for money or sense.      Jane didn’t believe the saying “Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable.” In other words, she gave up a splendid home, a comfortable life and chose Tom. But when she found their love will destroy Tom’s family, her sense told her to make the great decision to leave him to avoid a long slow degradation of guilt and regret and blame.      What a pity she can’t marry with the one who she doesn’t love even a loved one!      In her short life, Jane Austen wrote six of the greatest novels in the English Language.      Tom Lefroy had a successful career as a lawyer and named his eldest daughter Jane.      Jane never married in her life.





【导语】中华上下五千年中,有多少爱国故事千古流颂。不论巾帼须眉,只为了心中那个伟大的祖国,他们抛头颅洒热血,不惧艰险,始终坚持自身理想。下面是无忧考网整理分享的经典爱国故事,欢迎阅读与借鉴。  商朝的武功以商高宗武丁时代最盛,武丁通过一连串战争将商朝的版图扩大了数倍,而为武丁带兵东征西讨的大将就[db:cate]

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由内容质量、互动评论、分享传播等多维度分值决定,勋章级别越高(  说到奥运会,联想到一个数学题:你能用一笔画出奥运五环吗?学过奥数的小朋友,马上就能判断出来,答案是肯定的。为什么呢?我们从一个经典问题——哥尼斯堡七桥问题谈起。  哥尼斯堡是东普鲁士的首都,普莱格尔河横贯其中。十八世纪在这条河上建[db:cate]

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[关于阅读的手抄报]关于阅 !关于读书的名言名句 !读的名言名句50句

“腹有诗书气自华,读书万卷始通神。”,阅读使人更加有气质,以下这些关于阅读的经典名言,非常值得欣赏。  (1) 文人作文,农人掘锄,本是平平常常的,若照相之际,文人偏要装做粗人,玩什么“荷锄带笠图”;农夫则在柳下捧一本书,装作“深柳读书图”之类,就要令人肉麻。 作者:鲁迅  (3) 把一页书好好[db:cate]

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【导语】你于我是香醇苦涩的黑咖啡,我于你是淡淡飘香的茉莉花茶,你说咖啡和茶终究会调和成一杯奇怪味道的咖啡茶,你始终相信,只要爱,没有什么不可能。你的痴心和用心,最终虏获了我沉寂很久的心扉。下面是无忧考网整理的咖啡物语人生经典句子,欢迎阅读与借鉴。  3、要让一群人团结起来,需要的不是英明的领导,[db:cate]

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由内容质量、互动评论、苏州雅思分享传播等多维度分值决定,勋章级别越高(  最近的事件之一是人类首张黑洞照片出炉了!不过苏州环球教育朱丁琦老师的关注点却不是从最近开始的。作为一个资深科幻(science fiction)迷,朱朱一直很喜欢一个经典的电影系列 Star Trek (星际迷航)。  而[db:cate]

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