
更新时间:2021-06-26 来源:主持词精选 点击:



  english talent competition

  a: honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon .

  b: welcome to the third english talent competition of chengde medical university. here is the final contest.

  a: first of all, now i have the great privilege of presenting today"s judges

  b: department of basic party branch secretary

  the youth league secretary of our university

  the director of english teaching office

  the vice director of nursing department

  the dean of language experimental center

  the teacher from english teaching office

  the teacher from english teaching office.

  b: once again let"s welcome all the gusets and the judgeswith a big round of applause .

  a: this is the third time we hold talent competition here.every year all the contestants who participate in have experienced a lot and learnt a lot,including me.though now i act as the host,i was one of the contestants last i can deeply understand the challenge that the every contestant will face. they will not only do better than the other competitors but also overcome themselves.

  b: yes, you are right. as we know the 8contestants are all fight through a series of fierce competition and finally they come to this stage. to some extend, they are all winners. it is surely that the contestants today will present you an audiovisual feast. let us look forward to their wisdom, confidence , and brilliant performances .

  a: now let us welcome the contestants to the stage and introduce themselves.

  b: once again let"s welcome all contestants and wish them good luck.

  this competition will be divided into four parts. round no.1 is impromptu speech.

  a: round no2 is guessing the words.

  b: round no3 is scenario performance.

  a: and the final round is talent show.

  b: ok,now let’s begin the first around called impromptu speech.before the speech every competitor will choose a video to watch .then make a speech concerning about the video topic.

  a:this round is 40 points. every contestant has 90 seconds to prepare and deliver their speeches.

  b: ok, it"s time for show now. hope everyone can make good use of this opportunity. now, welcome contestant no1.

  a:choose a picture,please./which picture do you like/make your choice/a picture please

  ok now 90 seconds to prepare and give your speech./90s to think and show,please/now time to prepare and deliver your speech/do your preparation and show your idea

  a: thank you. it now turn to contestant no2, which picture would you choose?

  a: welcome to the second round guessing the words ,in 1 munite, the contestants will be given 15 words on the screen, then their partner will guethe words according to the contestants" interpretation of the words. they can also use body language .



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