认真负责 英文|认真复习准备,迎接期末考试中英文演讲稿

更新时间:2020-12-06 来源:热门资讯 点击:



  各位老师,同学们。   大家上午好!   今天我讲话的题目是:《认真复习准备,迎接期末考试》。   Dear teachers and students,   Good morning!   The topic of my speech today is: Review carefully to prepare for the final exam.   不经意间, 一个学期很快从身边悄然流逝,我们已从酷暑难奈的盛夏走过了带着丝丝凉意的秋天来到寒冷刺骨的冬天,即将迎来对我们学习成果的一次大检阅——期末考试。那么,我们究竟应该怎样迎接期末考试呢?如何有效地利用时间?如何提高复习效率?这里给同学们一些建议供大家参考。   Time flies, the first semester passed quickly, we have passed through the hot summer, cool autumn and the cold winter. we are going to take the final exam which expresses the great review of our learning achievements. So, how should we prepare for the final exam? How will we use our time effectively? How to improve the efficiency of review? Here are some suggestions for your reference.   张璐老师和许阳华老师   一、制定合理的复习计划。离期末考试还有一周多的时间,同学们一定要根据自己的实际情况, 制订好复习计划,按计划有条不紊地进行全面系统复习,查漏补缺,打好扎实的基础。   First, make a reasonable review plan. We just have less than two weeks from the final exam, you should make a good review plan according to your actual situation, then follow your plans, leak fill and lay a solid foundation, comprehensively and systematically.   二、讲究方法,适当做题。不同的方法也许适用于不同的人,我们应在实际运用中找到适合自己的复习方法,同时应注意不断地变换自己的复习方法。当然复习时适当地做题是必不可少的,可以选做不同类型的题目,掌握各种类型题目的解题方法,要有的放矢地解题,注重少而精,把握一题多变,多方求教,着重理解。在练习中使知识点得到巩固,运用能力得到提高。同时,当老师带领大家复习的时候,一定要认真听讲,紧跟老师的思路,这样会达到事半功倍的效果。   Second, pay attention to the method, do exercise appropriately. Different students take different methods to solve problems. We should find suitable review methods, and we also need change our methods. Of course, it is necessary to do exercise properly when reviewing, you can choose to do different types of exercise, master the method of solving problems of various types of topics, we should solve problems with a clear aim and focus on understanding. When the teacher leads us to review, we must listen carefully, follow the teacher"s thinking, this will help us achieve the goal with half effort.   三、要善于动脑,勤学好问。在复习过程中,要独立思考,善于问疑,不放过任何一个疑难问题,有疑问,就要主动向老师或同学请教。俗话说:“勤能补拙,熟能生巧”,带着问题上考场是无法取得好成绩的。   Third, we should make full use of our brains, be diligent in learning and ask questions. In the process of review, we should think independently, learn to ask questions, do not miss any difficult question. If you have doubts, ask teachers or classmates actively. As the saying goes: "industry can make up for clumsiness, practice makes perfect". You can’t get high scores with questions.   四、珍惜时间,提高效率。期末考试已经迫在眉睫,每一位同学都要珍惜分分秒秒,并提高复习效率,不要将时间空耗在无聊的玩耍和打闹之中。可有的同学却说:“复习了也没用,还是会遗忘。”心理学研究表明,遗忘是人的必然,世上从来就没有真正过目不忘的人,学得的知识需要不断的重复的记忆,才能使它在你的大脑留下深深的印痕。   Fourth, cherish time and improve efficiency. Final exam is coming, every student should cherish every minute, and improve the efficiency of review. Do not waste time in boring play. But some students said: "Review is useless, they will still forget." Psychological research shows that forgetting is a necessity for human beings, and there is never a real person who never forgets. Learning knowledge requires repeating so that make it deeply imprint in your brain.   同学们,期末考试已经热情地张开了双臂,让我们用真诚、勤奋、拼搏投入她的怀抱,用优异的成绩为她编织美丽的花环,在充满活力的嘉洋校园里,在这次期末考试中呈上一份满意的答卷,为自己收获一份自信和喜悦,为家长、老师和学校送上一份答谢与回报。   Students, the final exam has been passionately opened arms, let us go into her arms with our sincerity, diligence and hard work. Weaving a beautiful wreath for her with our outstanding results. Achieving confidence and joy for us, sending a thank and return for our parents, teachers and schools. I hope all of you can realize your goals in our Joy International School.





可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。  一唱一和 一呼百应 一干二净 一举两得 一落千丈 一模一样 一暴十寒 一日千里  一五一十 一心一意 两面三刀 三长两短 三番五次 三三两两 三头六臂 三心二意  三言两语 四分五裂 四面八方 四通八达 四平八稳[db:cate]

2021-08-14 07:07:04  


可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。  形容简单的四字成语有:干脆利落、轻骑简从、要而言之、简明扼要、粗茶淡饭  南怀瑾《论语别裁·子罕》:“因为我的老朋友太多,而有许多老朋友真可怜,死得不干脆利落,拖累了别人,也苦了自己。”  指出门时行装简单,跟随[db:cate]

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关于树的诗句|关于树 !关于树的名言 !的励志名言?

1、要求于人的甚少,给予人的甚多,这就是松树的风格。—— 陶铸《文集》  2、正如树枝和树干连接在一起那样,脱离树干的树枝很快就会枯死。—— 奥涅格《语录》  3、求学犹植树,春天开花,秋天结果实。—— 爱因斯坦《相对论》  4、不经风雨,长不成大树;不受百炼,难以成钢。关于树的名言—— 雷锋《[db:cate]

2021-08-13 07:08:39   关于树的诗   关于树的名言   关于树的作文  


可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。  1、土地的营养会提供树的营养,春天它缝补树的绿色缺陷。树是独立孤独的,关于树的名言相遇若与在失里。阳光会让树的嫩绿变老,秋风会让树的绿爱变成了剥脱,形成赤条条的残痕,雨滴会引导树叶失落,聪明的人呵,只有粗糙的土地[db:cate]

2021-08-13 07:08:39  


可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。  翻译:树木根深不怕风吹,树木身正不怕月亮照射的影子是歪的。意喻身正不怕影子斜。  3、品格如同树木,名声如同树荫。我们常常考虑的是树荫,却不知树木才是根本。——林肯  4、树越是向往高处的光亮,它的根就越要向下,[db:cate]

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