【英语演讲稿3分钟】英语演讲稿:From Walls to Bridges

更新时间:2020-12-01 来源:热门资讯 点击:


  i"m studying in a city famous for its walls. all visitors to my city are amazed by the imposing sight of the city walls, silhouetted by the setting sun with gold and shining lines. with old, cracked bricks patched with lichen, the walls are weather-beaten guards, standing still for centuries in protecting the city.

  our ancestors liked to build walls. they built walls in beijing, xi"an, nanjing and many other cities, and they built the great wall, which snakes through half of our country. they built walls to ward off enemies and evil spirits. this tradition has been maintained to this day as we still have many parks and schools walled off from the public. i grew up at the foot of the city walls, and i"ve loved them since my childhood. for a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world.   my perception, however, changed after a hiking trip to the eastern suburbs, a scenic area of my city. my classmates and i were walking with some international students. as we walked out of the city, we found ourselves flanked by taller and taller trees, which formed a huge canopy above our heads. suddenly an international student asked me, “where is the entrance to the eastern suburbs?”   “we"re already in the eastern suburbs,” i replied.   he seemed taken aback, “i thought you chinese have walls for everything.” his remark set off a heated debate. at one point, he likened our walled cities to “jails,” while i insisted that the eastern suburbs were one of the many places in china that had no walls.   that debate had no winners, but i did learn a lot from this international student. for instance, he told me that universities like oxford and cambridge were not surrounded by walls; the campuses were just part of the cities. i have to admit that we do have many walls in china, and as we are developing our country, we must carefully examine them, whether they are physical or intangible. we will keep some walls but tear down those that impede china"s development.   let me give you an example.   a year ago, when i was working on a term paper, i needed a book on business law and found a copy in the law school library. however, the librarian turned down my request with a cold shoulder, saying, “you can"t borrow this book, you are not a student here.” in the end, i had to spend 200 yuan buying a copy; meanwhile, the copy in law school was gathering dust on the shelf.





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2021-08-14 07:07:04  


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关于树的诗句|关于树 !关于树的名言 !的励志名言?

1、要求于人的甚少,给予人的甚多,这就是松树的风格。—— 陶铸《文集》  2、正如树枝和树干连接在一起那样,脱离树干的树枝很快就会枯死。—— 奥涅格《语录》  3、求学犹植树,春天开花,秋天结果实。—— 爱因斯坦《相对论》  4、不经风雨,长不成大树;不受百炼,难以成钢。关于树的名言—— 雷锋《[db:cate]

2021-08-13 07:08:39   关于树的诗   关于树的名言   关于树的作文  


可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。  1、土地的营养会提供树的营养,春天它缝补树的绿色缺陷。树是独立孤独的,关于树的名言相遇若与在失里。阳光会让树的嫩绿变老,秋风会让树的绿爱变成了剥脱,形成赤条条的残痕,雨滴会引导树叶失落,聪明的人呵,只有粗糙的土地[db:cate]

2021-08-13 07:08:39  


可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。  翻译:树木根深不怕风吹,树木身正不怕月亮照射的影子是歪的。意喻身正不怕影子斜。  3、品格如同树木,名声如同树荫。我们常常考虑的是树荫,却不知树木才是根本。——林肯  4、树越是向往高处的光亮,它的根就越要向下,[db:cate]

2021-08-13 07:08:39   关于树的名言有哪些   赞美树的名言